Jay Chung L.Ac. CHom, PhD. at Back to Basics Health & Wellness Center provides one of the most advanced forms of acupuncture, incorporating Egyptian Esoteric Acupuncture, spiritual Homeopathy based on the mind picture of the individual, and Theraphi, one of the most revolutionary healing technologies in quantum digital medicine.
With this combination of unique healing modalities, we can create a new paradigm in self-healing, empowering a new humanitarian, low-cost system of healthcare for present and future generations.
The therapeutic effects of Jay’s healing include:
Increased circulation
Improved energy levels
Enhanced cancer recovery
Reduced inflammation
Anti-aging effects
Wound healing
Pain reduction of all kinds
Enhanced immune system
Regulated hormonal system
Cell memory reversal​
Sleep promotion
Feeling of happiness and well being
Peace and balance to neuro-psychiatric conditions, such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADD, ADHD, autism, etc.
Help letting go of unwanted thoughts and painful memories
Lightened attitude towards life with love and acceptance
Help being in the NOW